Search Engine Optimization atau kita lebih sering menyebutnya SEO merupakan teknik optimalisasi suatu website atau blog agar mudah ditangkap/ditemukan mesin pencari dan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan trafik/kunjungan ke website atau blog tersebut. SEO dapat meningkatkan peringkat dalam proses pencarian yang dilakukan mesin pencari.
Ada dua macam teknik SEO yaitu : 1. Membuat tampilan website atau blog seindah mungkin dan mempunyai kualitas dari segi design, dan tema web tersebut. 2. Pertukaran link atau sering disebut Link Exchange.
Dengan adanya SEO ini maka diharapkan sebuah website atau blog dapat meningkat Google PageRank dan Alexa Rank nya.
Bagi anda yang belum menambahkan linknya di mesin pencari, silakan daftar di :
• Google,
• Yahoo,
• MSN,
Bagi anda yang sudah terdaftar di mesin pencari tersebut, saya sarankan untuk tidak melakukan tidakan yang sama karena nanti dikira spam blog.
What is Search Engine Optimization?
Search Engine Optimization, or more often we are called SEO techniques to optimize a website or blog so easily captured / found and a search engine with the goal to increase traffic / visits to the website or blog. SEO can improve the ranking in the search process conducted by the search engine.
There are two types of SEO techniques, namely: 1. Create the look website or blog as goog as possible and have quality in terms of design, theme and web. 2. Exchange link or often called Link Exchange.
With SEO this is expected to a website or blog can increase the Google PageRank and Alexa Rank is.
For those of you who do not add the link in the search engine, please list here:
• Google,
• Yahoo,
• MSN,
For those of you that have been listed in search engines, I suggest not to do the same becauseyour blog will suspected as a spam blog.
Search Engine Optimization, or more often we are called SEO techniques to optimize a website or blog so easily captured / found and a search engine with the goal to increase traffic / visits to the website or blog. SEO can improve the ranking in the search process conducted by the search engine.
There are two types of SEO techniques, namely: 1. Create the look website or blog as goog as possible and have quality in terms of design, theme and web. 2. Exchange link or often called Link Exchange.
With SEO this is expected to a website or blog can increase the Google PageRank and Alexa Rank is.
For those of you who do not add the link in the search engine, please list here:
• Google,
• Yahoo,
• MSN,
For those of you that have been listed in search engines, I suggest not to do the same becauseyour blog will suspected as a spam blog.
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4 komentar:
keren infonya. makasih ya
salam sobat
nice info..
jadi tambah ilmu mengenai SEO nich,,trims ya.
ehm.. kutunggu update postingmu sobat. blogme minta maaf ya kalau telat untuk membalas komentar atau membalas kunjungan. mari kita isi ramadhan ini dengan hati yang bersih dan bersahabat.
wah mantab nih
udah nguasain seo ya bro
bagi2 tipnya
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